Saturday, June 6, 2009


Have you ever felt like there was nothing to do? 

Well, I feel like that right now. Actually, I feel like that almost everyday. Even though there are many of things to do all around you, you never seem to be satisfied. Going to the mall, taking a walk, or going to the movies are activities that become tedious and old after a while. 

Any ideas of great adventures, activities, or events that you think are a blast?
P.S. If the fun is cheap... that is a major plus!!!

Bye for now,

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Procrastination takes over my life. I seem to do everything but the things I am suppose to do. I thought that my senior year was bad but when I went to college last year it became worse. everything distracts me. Each day I set a goal to do my projects, studying, and homework. Except, I push it off everyday. 

Saying and doing are completely different things.

One may say they heard you but did they listen to you?

Just like myself, everyone has flaws. Right now my flaw is doing my Obesity pamphlet for my Biology summer course. 

Bye for now,


tight pants?

Boys or Girls? When a girl wears tight pants they are HOT but when a guy wears tight pants they are considered gay! Now personally tight pants are just clothing and whatever a guy wants to wear is fine by me. Most people find my opinion very weird but I find tight pants very attractive in a guy. What do you think? 

For those women who do not want to have kids. Just find a guy who wears tight pants. They lose sperm. 

For those who think I am crazy. I understand, I am. 

For those who wonder who I find very attractive check this out. 

Yes. Chet Cannon from Real World Brooklyn. He looks even better when he is wear his glasses and bow tie.

Alexander Noyes. Drummer for Honor Society. I meet him at Hershey Park May 2nd. When I met him I almost fell over. This summer they are opening up for the Jonas Brothers world tour. Check them out they are the coolest people ever.

Bye for now,


P.S. if you wear tight pants... Why?

getting a free vacation?

Ok. If I knew later in my life I would be video taped every second of my life because I had 8 kids. I would scream. Yes, yes they get free vacations and all that jazz but really????? Is money more important than your life, sanity, and family. Oh these days keep getting worse. What do you take on the dumb Jon and Kate Plus 8 mess. 

Bye for Now,

check this out

hey anyone who actually follows me should check out this awesome blogger. He is pretty cool. I mean he has to be somewhat cool to be my brother. Check it out. I am serious it is pretty cool.

Bye for now,

First blog!

Hey everyone. I am just really bored and decided to make a blog. I am very good at listening to people and trying to help them along with what they should decide to do with a given situation. If anyone wants to ask me anything or just talk about random topics going on with their life or pop culture just leave me a message or comment!!!

Melissa Anne