Thursday, April 7, 2011

Idol sent home.

Hello again!

What a crazy night!

American Idol has done it again... or should I said America has done it again.
Let's go back to my last blog.

"VOTES! That is what will make the fate for the top 8 performers.
Who do you think deserves to stay? I feel like they all do but it is just a matter of who is connecting with their fans."

Did Pia not connect with her fans like everyone else did? I find that highly unlikely. That brings us to the next topic. Did she deserve to go home? I think not.

I have one last question. Did you vote?

Everyone in the audience, Judges, and even contestants were completely surprised.
I almost fell off my seat when she was sent packing.
I will tell you one thing. I voted for Stefano a few times last night because I love the tone of his voice. However, did I think she should have went home against him? NO. I thought she was the best talent in the whole season.

Yet, she went home.

Twitter is blowing up my wall. Everyone is flipping a new one on how mad they all are. Yet, I doubt any of them voted for her even like I did not. Yes, of course I was mad she went home but I knew I didn't vote for her.

This is just another reason why voting is so important.
People, don't complain about someone going home if you didn't vote to keep them in.

That's American Idol for you! Just another crazy week.
Just another testament showing us to keep voting for our favorites.

Love from me to you,

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