Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who will be the top 8?


That was the first thought that went through my mind after tonight's episode of American Idol top 9. Rock n' Roll greatest hits was definitely a hit. Each contestant brought a unique twist to their performance from Pia finally doing an up tempo song, Scotty changing it up by not doing country, Casey bringing the upright bass back, and James slowing it down.

I felt like everyone is here to stay. The question is not who didn't bring enough because they all have been doing that every single week. The real question is who does America like more.

This is not just a singing competition, which we all wish was possible but you have to admit it is not. There are certain people who I don't care for but know they are very talented.

VOTES! That is what will make the fate for the top 8 performers.
Who do you think deserves to stay? I feel like they all do but it is just a matter of who is connecting with their fans.

Every week the judges seem to pick out a few contestants saying they are not connecting with their audience. Lucky for Stefano he did the following week after the judges initially brought this particular subject to him. However, did he connect with his fans enough again this week to save him a plane ticket home?

Who do you want to see go home? Should the person going home really go home or is it just because they don't have teenage girls voting hundreds of times?

If you have a favorite, vote. It is that easy. Yet, people still don't vote and get disappointed to see their favorite leave so early. For example, Daughtry a few years ago or even Casey Abrams a mere two weeks ago but luckily got saved.

Don't let that happen to your favorite.
It is a fight for the finish just in the Top 9. That still blows me away.

American Idol season 10 is going to be a bumpy road.

Melissa signing out!

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